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Why Misty Copeland is My Inspiration in Ballet

  Why Misty Copeland is My Inspiration in Ballet      Misty Copeland is one of the most influential ballet dancers of our time. She is known for being graceful, crazy strength, and also her determination. She has changed the face of ballet in ways that have inspired people all over the world and will hopefully inspire many more to start ballet. Growing up in a very hard environment, Misty faced many challenges on her path to becoming a professional dancer. Her rise to the top of the ballet world was not easy, but it was her hard work and passion that made me choose her for my research project.      Misty Copeland’s story is not just about becoming a successful dancer, it is also about how she broke barriers in a field that has historically lacked diversity and representation. She has also shown that talent and dedication can overcome any challenge, no matter where you start in life, which I feel can be applied in any sport or occupation. I chose Misty ...

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